@LiquidCake commented on this pull request.

In plugins/saveactions.c:

> +		old_file_path = gtk_widget_get_tooltip_text(page_label);
+		new_file_path = DOC_FILENAME(doc);
+		if (old_file_path == NULL)
+		{
+			ui_set_statusbar(TRUE, _("plugin error: failed to delete initial temp file "
+				"('failed to get notebook tab label')"));
+			return;
+		}
+		old_file_name = g_path_get_basename(old_file_path);
+		if (is_temp_saved_file(old_file_name) && ! g_str_equal(old_file_path, new_file_path))
+		{
+			g_hash_table_insert(

we have to use this hack with hashtable to remember name of original 'temp' file, during performing 'save as' which assigns a new 'final' name to file.

Ideally we would like to e.g. add 'original name' field to GeanyDocument structure but this wont happen for single plugin needs

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