Hi, I am a relatively new user to Geany so much of what I know I learned very recently. And I am having problems, with the Geany debugger, I use Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS on a 64-bit notbook. I have tried to install the debugger plugin from Synaptic and it does not appear, also run the following command in the console: sudo apt-get install geany-plugin-debugger And I get the following message: E: Could not get a lock / var / lib / dpkg / lock-frontend. Maintained by process 12657 (synaptic) N: Please note that removing the lock file is not a solution and may harm your system. E: Failed to get the dpkg interface lock (/ var / lib / dpkg / lock-frontend). Is there another process using it?
As a conclusion I want to install the debugger plugin in Geany but I am not able to. Thank you very much in advance, and sorry for the inconvenience.