(1) Ctrl + mouse click jumps the to the first open file tab instead of starting a vertical select with the mouse as expected.

(2) Ctrl + mouse click does nothing instead of starting a vertical select with the mouse or jumping to an open file tab consistent with (1)

(3) Ctrl + mouse click jumps the to the first open file tab instead of starting a vertical select with the mouse or jumping to a different file tab to be consistent with (1)


(4) Vertical select with alt+shift+arrow keys selects correctly in any column.

(5) Ctrl + mouse click does start a vertical select with the mouse as expected as long as there is stuff in column 3 otherwise as per (1).

Geany is, in general, very easy to learn because of the orthogonality of its command set - once I have learnt to use one action in one place, the same action works in other places in a consistent manner. Please consider enabling alt+shift as an action that starts a vertical mouse select just as it does with the arrow keys to maintain this orthogonality. Thanks!

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