However one thing that does relate to you is the approach and attitude. You come across as very aggressive and demanding.
That may be a language proficiency thing, but your English is generally good so its hard not to make that interpretation. You also say a lot of "I want" "I use" ignoring the fact that many others want and use different things, I could just as easily say "All I care about is C++ symbols working accurately, who cares about TM". This approach will get us nowhere. Neither you nor I "own" the project.

@kugel- Maybe a small note from myself. I'm also not completely happy about the way you respond. Maybe not in this particular PR but some past ones. It's clear that everyone has his own preferences but we don't live in a black and white world where one thing is clearly right and one is clearly wrong - everything has its pros and cons. I'm also for good discussion which is backed by valid arguments but in your case I have a feeling you get stuck at one position and despite how valid counter-arguments one makes, you seem to invent more and more artificial reasons to support your argument or stop responding. This is tedious, time consuming and plain discouraging.

For instance, we had this famous Windows theme discussion. Your argument was to use as native theme as possible which I completely agree with. The reality, though, was that none of the themes looked native (GTK2 was FANTASTIC in this respect, sigh) - I went through something like 15 themes, installed them on Windows but nothing seemed right. You claimed that the Windows-10 theme looked native but neither me nor Enrico agreed. When I asked you about what you were seeing and posted some screenshots here and in the subsequent post

#3063 (comment)

you didn't bother answer. I suggested the Prof-Gnome theme as a workable rather neutral theme with sufficient contrast and not so big widgets - not ideal, but I didn't find an ideal theme, neither you suggested an ideal theme. Then Enrico posted

#3129 (comment)

and you just NACKed it without providing a better alternative.

Now I found it extremely rude. I think neither you nor me are people who'd be entitled to hard-NACK someone's PRs this way - I think only Enrico as the creator of the editor and Colomban as its current maintainer are. And I've never seen them rejecting PRs in such a way - first, they'd offer a good alternative and good arguments (you simply stopped responding when we mentioned the drawbacks of the Windows-10 theme). Second, they'd express it more politely and say something like that they think it's not a good idea.

I had a similar experience in #2363 with pretty arrogant "arguments" like

I also don't buy that all other editors just work.

and stopping to respond eventually. As a maintainer of the macOS binaries I just apply that patch and distribute modified version of Geany on macOS but I'd wish a better solution.

So when you appear and a discussion like the current one takes place, my mental state is "Oh crap, this guy is here again, he'll NACK this PR without giving valid arguments" even though this may not be true and my responses are more aggressive than they should be (sorry for that!).

I know this is the Internet, things don't get through as they were intended, and we, guys interacting with computers, are terrible when dealing with ordinary humans. So, please, take the above as a suggestion regarding how to improve the communication here than some hard criticism. And please, tell me if you don't like something about my responses - I know I suck ;-).

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