To be more verbose: the licensing is annoying but the solution here using an allowlist is pretty good and it's nice that we already get almost all themes included.
I just hope it's alright license-wise - for instance that a GPL 3 theme doesn't require that all Geany sources are GPL 3. But I'd say that since themes are completely independent of the rest of the Geany, loaded at the runtime in the source form, and non-essential for running Geany, they don't affect the license of Geany itself. Am I right?
After we have merged this, we could add a note to the geany-themes repo's README to show that the themes with compatible license are included semi-automatically.
Is it worth adding a note to doc/making-a-release?
I'll try to update it.
I also created so geany-themes contains all the external theme files - I just don't know what to use as its license and who is the author of that theme.