@pgram1 did you read the comment above and also this one.

If you have a solution that does not involve environment variables please contribute it, but please don't just keep demanding "somebody" does it for you.

As per #1757 (comment), I created a bat script that batch renames locale folders, as Geany seems to fallback to LANG=en if it finds no locale directories.

@Echo Off

REM Run script with Administrator privileges 

REM Put the locale path here (typically "C:\Program Files (x86)\Geany\share\locale")
CD "C:\Program Files (x86)\Geany\share\locale"

REM This renames all locale folders except special stylings to foo-unused
FOR /D %%G in ("*") DO if not %%~nxG==en@boldquot if not %%~nxG==en@quot if not %%~nxG==en@shaw Ren %%~nxG %%~nxG-unused
Echo Locales are disabled.

Quite hacky but I guess it works...

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