Don't agree with using the theme (at least as proposed above).
While at first glance it might seem nice to have the themes provide the styling, in reality they won't provide a `Geany-compiler-error-colour` or equivalent. So we would have to use standard colours if it was to follow the theme.
Unfortunately standard warning and error colours are, as @codebrainz said, designed for large slabs of colour, and not for fine text, so they may not work in that context. In fact my [dark theme]( sets warning colour to black, NSFW for dark and warning you say, but it then changes the background to a lighter warning or error colour, thus showing it in a larger slab. So Geany would have to be changed to set both the colour and the row background in the treeview rows to use this in Geany, although it will be pretty intrusive on a dark theme to have brightly coloured row backgrounds in the compiler window..
So the user is left having to learn how to edit a local modification to themes in either GTKrc or GTK-not-quite-really-CSS, depending on the version of GTK in use, instead of a file format controlled by Geany and so not likely to change.
I can confirm the problem, having only recently switched to a dark theme and the distro being Mint, its greenish, so red text is difficult to read against the background (and my colour acuity is (just) classified as safe, pity the 10% of males with real colour blindness).
So since it is a real problem (I have it :smile: ) I propose that we wait for a bit and see if a viable themes based pull request emerges, if not we commit this fairly simple solution as an interim (assuming it works, not tested yet) with an issue to change it to using themes.