1. The window title "**Question**" is not really that appropriate, and confuses more than explains. Better would be for example "**Wrap search?**" 2. The line "**'String' was not found.**" is actually wrong. When the string was not found, the search field gets red and in the status bar it says exactly "'String' was not found." But whenever this "Question" window is shown, it always means that the **search has reached the end of the file**, and it would like to start from the beginning (not necessarily "again" - see point 3.) in order to confirm that the string was really not found. 3. "**Wrap search and find again?**" I think " and find again" here is unnecessary. Just "**Wrap search?**" would suffice. 4. The "**Find**" button perhaps should better be "**Wrap**". 5. #1192 The default button should indeed be **Yes/OK/Wrap/Find** (not Cancel). 6. #2159 When the wrap is done, perhaps it should also **say that in the status bar** (or it should be muted if the feature "Show message in the status bar when the search is wrapped" will be implemented and "Always wrap search" option is disabled)