On Fri, Dec 11, 2015, at 09:46, elextr wrote:
> > Geany displays each of them as a tiny square with the digits 0 0 0 0 inscribed.
> That is a character with the value 0, which should never occur in the
> buffer because it will cause problems. It may even cause your crashes.

If it just were so simple! I checked the source code with a hex editor,
and there are no 0-bytes in the *file*. If Geany has Nullbytes in the
*buffer*, it means that it does something weird when loading the file.

Two interesting observations here:

- It could well be that the crashes occured only when one of the tabs
had a file with Japanese text and I had the files created with a
different editor.
- After editing the file with Geany (not touching the Japanese part) and
saving, the saved file contains the correct text and the program
produces the correct output.

Would it help if I send this file to the developers for inspection? I
can send the file as it is - it doesn't contain any company secrets.
Even if the crashes can't be reproduced, it should be easy to verify the
strange display of the characters. Or, I could try to reproduce the
problem with a smaller file, containing just a few characters (Western
and Japanese mixed). For comparision, it should be sufficient if the
developer opens this file with Geany, and with an editor which displays
the text correctly (I'm using Code::Blocks as my other editor, but most
UTF-8 enabled editors should work well).

BTW: The file has Unix-Lineendings (0A) ... just in case that this fact


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