In scripts/

> +        proc = DoxygenProcess()
> +        self.brief = proc.process_element(xml)
> +        self.extra += proc.get_extra()
> +
> +    def add_detail(self, xml):
> +        proc = DoxygenProcess()
> +        self.detail = proc.process_element(xml)
> +        self.extra += proc.get_extra()
> +        self.since = proc.get_since()
> +
> +    def add_member(self, xml):
> +        name = xml.find("name").text
> +        proc = DoxygenProcess()
> +        brief = proc.process_element(xml.find("briefdescription"))
> +        # optional doxygen command output appears within <detaileddescription />
> +        proc.process_element(xml.find("detaileddescription"))

I forgot to add: in the first case, the detaildescription part has only annotations (all text is in the briefdescription). This is because @command appear after the dot of the brief sentence.

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