Amazingly, I actually stumbled upon the root cause and the resolution:
When geany "executes" a script, it does so in a popup cmd.exe window. Now close geany, whether by crashing it with external monitors (who knows whats happening with the split second redrawing) or by simply clicking the "X" to close geany. Its child cmd.exe will be left open. This leaves some socket file somewhere that triggers the above behavior. Closing all geanys, and closing its child cmd.exe, will resolve the issue. I can consistently reproduce it with this dummy python script

while True:

As something to hold the child cmd.exe open.

I don't know why geany sometimes crashes when connecting/disconnecting external monitors. It may be something so suble we may never know. But, geany should kill its children cmd.exe windows, or if it doesnt want to / cant (I don't know the underlying architecture) it should reopen gracefully even with a straggling cmd.exe window.

Note any cmd.exes I created myself are unrelated. Only cmd.exes that geany created are relevant. Should I create a new bug for this, since we now know its not particularly related to external monitors?

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