Generally speaking, non-C is supported well only for GObject-based interfaces. A python plugin can easily define a GObject-derived type purely implemented in Python.
For anything else you need at least some supporting C code around. This is essentially what the "lib"-part of peasy does. It defines GObject-derived wrappers around existing Geany interfaces so that plugins make instances and inherit properly. Not all Geany interfaces need wrappers. We declare some of them as "GBoxed" such that the gobject-introspection magic makes them available to non-C languages automatically. We feed the gobject-introspection machinery mostly by converting the doxygen output to gtkdoc, and then have it generate the typelib from that.
So for `PluiginExtension` we would need to extend peasy for sure.
I asked specifically for `GeanySymbol`. At the very least it needs to be a GBoxed, but if it has a refcount and getters/setters for anything anyway it could also be a real GObject. Then peasy wouldn't need to wrap this type much.