Please always paste the first few lines of `Help->Debug Messages` (down to and including OS, no need to expose your personal directories)
The last line I see in my editing window is No.3624, while the last line of text is No.3732. (Means positioning is incorrect).
How do you know its 3732?
I get that file only having 3478 lines copying it from chrome, which browser did you use? (Geany does not open web addresses unless your OS has some magic extension, in which case you need to talk to them). Chrome developer tools say `index.html` has 7346 lines and my local copy of `index.html` has 7346 lines, so clearly the browser isn't passing it raw, so if you use a different browser you may get a different answer.
In either case the cursor is at the end of the file after I paste, no matter how many times I paste, or copy and paste (well as many times until I get bored ;-)