This patch fixes symbol tree construction when #2657 is applied.

When a filter for tags is used for the symbol tree, it may happen that
parent tags in the symbol tree are removed because they don't match
the filter. Such tags are still visualised nicely by the symbol tree
which shows these tags with full scope like


However, the current code doesn't expect that it may happen that
MissingStruct re-appears in the results when filter is deleted. In such
case some_member isn't re-parented under MissingStruct and stays
displayed in the above format.

This patch simply removes tags like MissingStruct::some_member for
which parent hasn't been constructed yet from the symbol tree and re-adds
them in the "insertion pass" for the symbol tree update code.

The only change this patch does is that it replaces

if (parent_name && ! g_hash_table_lookup(parents_table, parent_name))
    parent_name = NULL;


if (parent_name && ! g_hash_table_lookup(parents_table, parent_name))
    cont = tree_store_remove_row(store, &iter);

The rest is just indentation after the else.

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