Hi, is there any chance to add Lexer for [AutoIt3 scripting language](https://www.autoitscript.com/site/autoit/) to Geany? I am ready to help with a _filetypes.au3_ and _au3.tags_.
P.S. _LexAU3.cxx_ in the source of Scintilla is old (Jul 26, 2007), but it works (as well as au3.properties). [There is a new version](https://bitbucket.org/scite-ru/scite-ru.bitbucket.org/src/53d62fc5aeb28f9af6...) (Sep 05, 2013). I tried to compile SciTE 3.6.4 with new version: it's works on Windows XP SP3 (MinGW), but there are some weird problems with ends commentblock on Xubuntu 14.04. I seem to find the problem and wrote the author.
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