For disabling the other tabs, you can edit these settings under Edit->Preferences->Various:

--- msgwin1/geany.conf	2020-04-30 23:43:49.877942591 -0700
+++ msgwin2/geany.conf	2020-04-30 23:45:33.495469083 -0700
@@ -45,10 +45,10 @@
 statusbar_template=line: %l / %L	 col: %c	 sel: %s	 %w      %t      %mmode: %M      encoding: %e      filetype: %f      scope: %S

For hiding the message window tabs altogether (ie. to hide the lone tab for "Terminal") you could either patch Geany to add an option, make a plugin to do it, or you could use CSS to somewhat okay effect - it would be a lot easier if #2469 gets merged - probably something like:

#notebook_info tab {
  padding: 0px;
  font-size: 0.1em;
  border-width: 0px;

I don't think GTK+ CSS has a thing like display: none; or changing the size like real CSS, but above makes the tabs pretty small here. Someone with more GTK+ theming skills could probably find a better way.

I doubt anyone would oppose a pull request to add a preference to hide message window tabs entirely.

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