Scope completion doesn't seem to like not being called at the root scope or on a scoped type: ```c++ namespace ns { class C { public: void func() {} int memb; }; C c; void dummy() { c.func(); // no autoc on c. } };
ns::C c2;
int main (void) { return c2.memb; // neither on c2. } ``` (Same if trying to autoc outside a func). Any reason? it's not limited to namespaces, same happens with e.g. a class.
However, I must say this is beautiful: ```c++ class C;
class A { public: C *bar; };
class B { public: A foo; };
class C { public: B *func() { return &b; } int memb; B b; };
C c;
int main (void) { // scope completion all the way, with only sensible stuff :) return>>>func()->>memb; } ```
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