The new 1 and 2 are still fine (here) but so were your previous ones, your choice.

For (3) #ff6f00 is sort of ok, #bf4b40 does not have much contrast to the grey background of textview, I will still override either with my mid grey #808080.

I found the Mint-Y-Dark theme gtk.css and it uses #404040 as the background for text view, so #bf4b40 is only a bit redder and a bit brighter so thats why it has little contrast. What does your dark theme use as background?

For (4) #e92c2c used as geany-document-status-changed I just noticed it is pretty hard to read against the tab background which is #404040 again, but then dimmed when not the current page (I think, my CSS is not brilliant and the themes gtk.css is complex, but think I found the right entry, and its an rgba so partly transparent, so not sure what the resultant colour value would be). I use #ff4040.

Note that as I am already overriding the existing colours, changing the defaults won't bother me, the current ones were unacceptable anyway. I am just trying to be in the place of a user who wants a reasonable experience out of the box and doesn't want to edit geany.css. Maybe in the end we have to merge something and I will send the complaints to you 😈

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