I would like to see the Multipaste option for Scintilla implemented I hacked together something that works, but someone just needs to add a new option in Preferences somewhere to set it

add to sciwrappersc:
void sci_set_multi_paste(ScintillaObject *sci, gboolean mpval) { SSM(sci, SCI_SETMULTIPASTE, SC_MULTIPASTE_EACH, 0); }

add to sciwrappersh:
void sci_set_multi_paste (ScintillaObject *sci, gboolean mpval);

What works for now, but requires that you modify something in Preferences at least once in the session to get it to fire is adding, the following to editorc:
sci_set_multi_paste(editor->sci, 1);

To test it out turn on the setting, change a keybinding in Preferences

Then copy some text to the clipboard, select multilines (Alt+Shift Up/DownArrow) and paste!

Now you should see all pasted text onto each line in the editor

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