When drag-drop text inside Chrome (i.e. NOT leaving Chrome! Not really dragging into Geany), the text actually ends up in Geany at a random position. It happens silently, so my source code sometimes unnoticed gets into a company Git repository.
In fact I have `pref_editor_disable_dnd=true`
Steps to reproduce:
1. Open a file in Geany 2. Open Chrome 3. Select any piece of text in Chrome 4. Start dragging this text 5. Stop dragging few millimeters or an inch away fromt he starting point 6. Switch to Geany and get scared, the selected text is already inserted at the random position.
This only happens if Geany window was the previous active window prior to swtich to Chrome window.
Please see the screenshot, this is drastic.
[Screenshot]: https://s16.postimg.org/ddp04pkmd/geany_issue.jpg