Custom filetypes are customisations using existing filetype capabilities so no coding is needed.

Couple of problems with your attempts,

  1. you create a filetypes.awk, but as the manual says about custom filetypes the file should be filetypes.Xxx.conf where Xxx is a case sensitive filetype name. The ones are built-in and need code support within Geany. Perhaps look at the existing custom ones such as filetypes.Scala.conf and see how they relate to the underlying build-in filetype, eg Scala to C.
  2. you added *.awk to perl, which as I said elsewhere tells Geany that awk files are perl, not what you wanted. The original addition defining a new Awk filetype to extension mapping is the right one, but without the Awk matching a filename as above being right it won't work, as you found.
  3. The [groups] stuff tells Geany where to put the custom filetype in the stuffed to the gills filetypes menu, probably needed.

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