Note, I normally use a light theme.
1. `#006eff` – This looks good to me. 2. `#309030` – A slightly brighter green might work better with dark themes. 3. `#ee8000` – I prefer a slightly darker orange. 4. `#ff3030` – Pink red is fine with me.
Based on checking with RGBlind browser plugin, an orange for 3 would be preferable to dark red because shades of red all become pretty much indistinguishable.
It's also difficult to get 2, 3, and 4 to all be different for both protanopea and deuteranopia. Based on the [proposed uses](, it seems more important to distinguish 4 from 2/3 than to distinguish 2 and 3 from each other Making 2 more cyan would help with this: `#009075` (but might be aesthetically objectionable?).