Thanks, that fixed it. Looking pretty good already. I will continue to test this in the coming days and report back.

Two points I noticed instantly:

  1. Highlighting interpolated strings seems inconsistent: Depending on using $(var) vs $var and single quote vs triple quote strings, I see different colors. Example:
    "($scanPosX,$scanPosY): (k±Δk)=$(kLaserApprox) $(begin x+5 end)"
    """($scanPosX,$scanPosY): (k±Δk)=$(kLaserApprox) $(begin x+5 end)"""

  2. Macros confuse the lexer (possibly we have to live with that, since macros can have arbitrary syntax)

Base.@kwdef struct A
    a::Float64 = 1E-19 
    b::Float64 = 1E-22 

shows that the struct contains Symbols E

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