> > [...] I use the file geany-1.25_setup.exe [...]
> I believe this is the one without a bundled GTK+ so you must have GTK+
> 2.24 in your `%PATH%` from somewhere else. It should still work though,
> assuming no weird build options were enabled for that GTK+ build.

I found in my Geany directory DLLs with name 'gtk':


If *these* are the GTK+ libraries, I would conclude that it is version

Aside from this, no dll files containing the string 'gtk' in any
directory within my PATH. I do have other GTK dlls installed (for
Cygwin), but these directories are not in the PATH when I start Geany.

> I'm kind of curious if the latest release (1.26) fixes the issue somehow.
> You might like to try it, and using the one with a GTK+ build bundled in
> it.

I'l do this next week and report back my findings.

> Is that the output when it crashes or just during a normal run? I was
> hoping before it terminated abnormally, it would print some assertion
> failures or such messages on its way down.

It was during the normal run. According to Murphys law, I didn't have
any crashes *this* time.


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