let me make c++ project with 2 example files to explain: test.hpp: define a class named Test with public method named test_func(parms...) test.cpp: impelement method Test::test_func(parms...)
in test.cpp write the main fucntion as: int main(int argc, char** argv) { Test t1; Test *t2 t1. t2-> }
symbols view will show up the member test_func, ctrl+left-click will jump to the hpp definition, that's fine, and it means geany already collect enough symbols/tags.
i wish when i typing "t1." or "t2->" autocomplete will show up the member symbol "test_func(parms...)" no need to type "t1.test" or "t2->test", this feature is very common for c++ ide editors(qtcreator, kdevelop, codeblocks), right?
for java project, for example 2 class files: classA.java, classB.java in classB.java import classA and write the main function with: classA test; test.
when typing "test." autocomplete will show up "classA members", no need to type "test.xxxx". but autocomplete show up "members" is just "sometimes" not worked for all class, i am still testing.