For me (1) and (2) are just rearranging the deckchairs on the titanic (unless you had problems with them since I guess your theme is different to Mint-Y-Dark, and you keep changing them each time I said they were fine 😁).

This value of (3) #cc4033 is legible and not Gamboge, so fine (oh no, I said it is fine, I guess you will change it again 😁).

The (4) #ff0000 was the value that caused the CSS options to be added to change it from being hard coded, because there were issues raised by people who could not see it on dark themes.

My colour vision is slightly off "normal", but I can still tell red from green well enough to be allowed to fly aeroplanes. There are others who are much worse. But even for me, #ff0000 made error messages and changed filenames on tabs basically impossible to read on a dark theme, it has weird artefacts making it illegible, thats why I merged the ability to change it with the comment.

So that is actually the most important one to change to give a useful out of the box experience. Therefore we havn't actually helped anybody leaving #ff0000 which is the original "bad" value 😞.

Since (3) and (4) have to be different, you can have your Gamboge #ff6f00 for (3) if I can have pinker red #ff3030 for (4). And @eht16 likes that (3) so it must be good 😁.

PS, it was a genius idea of yours to reduce it to four colours, imagine what it would have been like if we tried to agree the original seven colours.

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