OS: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Geany 1.38 Using GTK+ v3.24.33 and GLib v2.72.1 runtime libraries
**Issue:** When some lines are copied, and pasted on a new line, bookmarks are not preserved and shown on the pasted text. For example: ![Screenshot from 2022-08-10 21-19-40](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/96364226/183977053-1946d3bd-940c-4...)
In the above image, **line 9 and line 11** should have been bookmarked automatically.
**Expected behavior:** when copied lines are pasted on a new line, then bookmarks should be preserved and applied on respective lines automatically. For example: ![Screenshot from 2022-08-10 22-42-21](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/96364226/183977108-b0b6e085-de75-4...)
Lines 9 and 11 are automatically bookmarked along with the pasted text when keybinding "ctrl + V" is pressed.