The session split branch seems to work AFAICT.
But there are lots of settings in `geany.conf` that I believe are session settings, essentially all the GUI ones for example.
Below is the `geany.conf` created by this branch with "yes" or "no" beside the ones I suggest, don't mind if the branch is merged into main and these added after (discussion), @kugel- can choose.
``` [geany] no default_open_path no cmdline_new_files yes notebook_double_click_hides_widgets yes tab_close_switch_to_mru yes tab_pos_sidebar yes sidebar_pos yes symbols_sort_mode yes msgwin_orientation yes highlighting_invert_all no pref_main_search_use_current_word no check_detect_indent no detect_indent_width no use_tab_to_indent no pref_editor_tab_width no indent_mode no indent_type yes virtualspace no autocomplete_doc_words no completion_drops_rest_of_word no autocompletion_max_entries no autocompletion_update_freq yes color_scheme yes scroll_lines_around_cursor no mru_length no disk_check_timeout yes show_editor_scrollbars no brace_match_ltgt no use_gtk_word_boundaries no complete_snippets_whilst_editing no indent_hard_tab_width no editor_ime_interaction no use_atomic_file_saving no gio_unsafe_save_backup no use_gio_unsafe_file_saving no keep_edit_history_on_reload no show_keep_edit_history_on_reload_msg no reload_clean_doc_on_file_change no save_config_on_file_change no extract_filetype_regex no allow_always_save no find_selection_type no replace_and_find_by_default yes show_symbol_list_expanders yes compiler_tab_autoscroll yes statusbar_template yes new_document_after_close yes msgwin_status_visible yes msgwin_compiler_visible yes msgwin_messages_visible yes msgwin_scribble_visible no documents_show_paths yes sidebar_page no pref_main_load_session no pref_main_project_session no pref_main_project_file_in_basedir yes pref_main_save_winpos yes pref_main_save_wingeom no pref_main_confirm_exit yes pref_main_suppress_status_messages yes switch_msgwin_pages no beep_on_errors no auto_focus yes sidebar_symbol_visible yes sidebar_openfiles_visible yes editor_font yes tagbar_font yes msgwin_font yes show_notebook_tabs yes show_tab_cross yes tab_order_ltr yes tab_order_beside yes tab_pos_editor yes tab_pos_msgwin no use_native_windows_dialogs yes show_indent_guide yes show_white_space yes show_line_endings yes show_markers_margin yes show_linenumber_margin yes long_line_enabled yes long_line_type yes long_line_column yes long_line_color no symbolcompletion_max_height no symbolcompletion_min_chars no use_folding no unfold_all_children no use_indicators no line_wrapping no auto_close_xml_tags no complete_snippets no auto_complete_symbols no pref_editor_disable_dnd no pref_editor_smart_home_key no pref_editor_newline_strip no line_break_column no auto_continue_multiline no comment_toggle_mark no scroll_stop_at_last_line no autoclose_chars no pref_editor_default_new_encoding no pref_editor_default_open_encoding no default_eol_character no pref_editor_new_line no pref_editor_ensure_convert_line_endings no pref_editor_replace_tabs no pref_editor_trail_space no pref_toolbar_show no pref_toolbar_append_to_menu no pref_toolbar_use_gtk_default_style no pref_toolbar_use_gtk_default_icon no pref_toolbar_icon_style no pref_toolbar_icon_size no pref_template_developer no pref_template_company no pref_template_mail no pref_template_initial no pref_template_version no pref_template_year no pref_template_date no pref_template_datetime no context_action_cmd yes sidebar_visible yes statusbar_visible yes msgwindow_visible yes fullscreen no color_picker_palette no scribble_text no scribble_pos no custom_date_format
[build-menu] no number_ft_menu_items no number_non_ft_menu_items no number_exec_menu_items
[search] no pref_search_hide_find_dialog no pref_search_always_wrap no pref_search_current_file_dir no find_all_expanded no replace_all_expanded yes position_find_x yes position_find_y yes position_replace_x yes position_replace_y yes position_fif_x yes position_fif_y no fif_regexp no fif_case_sensitive no fif_match_whole_word no fif_invert_results no fif_recursive no fif_extra_options no fif_use_extra_options no fif_files no fif_files_mode no find_regexp no find_regexp_multiline no find_case_sensitive no find_escape_sequences no find_match_whole_word no find_match_word_start no find_close_dialog no replace_regexp no replace_regexp_multiline no replace_case_sensitive no replace_escape_sequences no replace_match_whole_word no replace_match_word_start no replace_search_backwards no replace_close_dialog
[plugins] no load_plugins no custom_plugin_path no active_plugins
[VTE] no send_cmd_prefix no send_selection_unsafe no load_vte no font no scroll_on_key no scroll_on_out no enable_bash_keys no ignore_menu_bar_accel no follow_path no run_in_vte no skip_run_script no cursor_blinks no scrollback_lines no shell no colour_fore no colour_back no last_dir
[tools] no terminal_cmd no browser_cmd no grep_cmd
[printing] no print_cmd no use_gtk_printing no print_line_numbers no print_page_numbers no print_page_header no page_header_basename no page_header_datefmt
[files] yes current_page