### Suggestion
The debug information at `Help > Debug Messages` should report the Scintilla version Geany was linked against. Lexilla should have its own entry as well, given its [divergent release cadence].
### Example

### Motivation
Issues could be more easily traced to a precise library version. Users could locate this otherwise obscure information without leaving the app.
### Implementation
The main problem is how to expose the libraries' versions at compile time. I've had some luck with the following approach:
1. write a script to parse the content of `scintilla[/lexilla]/version.txt` and return the appropriate version (based on input) in semver format
2. call the script in `configure.ac` via the [`m4_esyscmd`] macro, assigning the script output to preprocessor definitions for each version
3. use the definitions in `src/libmain.c` to extend Geany's debug output
### Questions
My concern is that step _2_ may be disruptive to the build workflow. Some potential issues that come to mind:
- builds targeting Windows would need access to a POSIX shell (if they don't already . . . I've never tried to package Geany 😊)
- calling `m4_esyscmd` on a failing script does not crash `autoreconf` [^1]. But aborting in that case might be better than generating an incomplete `config.h` header
This thread is here to gather input, especially with regard to the acceptability of using `m4_esyscmd` in the build.
A search for similar topics found only an open RFC about [documenting lexer properties].
[^1]: "The error output of _shell-command_ is not a part of the expansion: it will appear along with the error output of m4." https://www.gnu.org/software/m4/manual/html_node/Esyscmd.html#index-esyscmd
[divergent release cadence]: https://groups.google.com/g/scintilla-interest/c/1VWWqoJ_kmA/m/mfqpF1tjAgAJ [`m4_esyscmd`]: https://www.gnu.org/software/m4/manual/html_node/Esyscmd.html#index-esyscmd [documenting lexer properties]: https://github.com/geany/geany/issues/2517