I updated Lua-script in first message: missing symbol "\" and returning default list of wordchars. ___ I wrote a Lua script as module https://pastebin.com/6v5xft6R List of functions: ``` get_sel_filename() file_is_exists(path) path_is_absolute(path) tidy_path(path) ``` How to use: Save as ```getselfile.lua``` in ```~/.config/geany/plugins/geanylua/support``` (default on Linux). Example: ```lua -- Get the user's plugin directory and add folder "support" in "package.path" local gi = geany.appinfo() package.path = package.path .. ";" .. gi.scriptdir .. geany.dirsep .. "support" .. geany.dirsep .. "?.lua"; -- Load our module local gsfn = require "getselfile" -- Get selected filename local f = gsfn.get_sel_filename(); if (f ~= nil) then geany.message(f) end; ```