I copied and pasted the following code from [trojan-source](https://github.com/nickboucher/trojan-source/blob/main/C/commenting-out.c) ![geany-right-to-left](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1738012/140482937-700db336-355f-4d...) As you see, line 6 is not rendered properly. The curly braces inside RLI are unreachable by mouse or arrow keys movements. When the same code is saved as text, the curly brace on line 8 changes from close to open as the cursor moves to the curly brace on line 9.
And, yes, there are [security concerns](https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2021-42574) involved. [Read more](https://www.trojansource.codes/)