If you system is set to a gtk2 theme (a theme, which doesn't have xfwm or so in example), then you can set an arbitrary theme for Geany (compiled with GTK2) by `GTK2_RC_FILES=/usr/share/themes/<your fav. theme>/gtk-2.0/gtkrc geany`
If you have a theme, which has many different supports like Greybird (which has data for GTK2/3, xfwm, metacity etc.), then it seems to depend on what engine is currently used. In my case, since I'm running xfwm, that very theme engine is used and so the command above doesn't work at all.
Call it strange but I'm just observing this behavior.
If you are lucky and your Geany is compiled with GTK3 (like on Arch or maybe Fedora?), then it may be much easier and it is more likely to work with `GTK_THEME=<your fav. theme> geany`
I think.
Since it is GTK3 then, you can also use the `gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme=1` mentioned above, but this change **all** GTK3 apps to dark.