Thats a better UI, but as @b4n pointed out Alt+click is stolen by some WMs on Linux (mine too), so how do you know if its available as an option to show?
It can be shown but unassigned to anything or assigned depending on the platform.
But I actually don't think this is the better UI - the better one was the one I proposed before: we have 3 actions we need to assign some key+click combinations to and then a set of modifiers and it should rather be the modifiers that are selectable: - Ctrl, Alt, Super for goto definition and multiple carets - Ctrl+Shift, Alt+Shift, Super+Shift (which are already configurable in Scintilla) for rectangular selection
Reasonal defaults would be - Ctrl for goto definition/declaration everywhere as this has always been used - Linux: Super for multiple carets, Ctrl+Shift for rectangular selection - Windows: Alt for multiple carets, Alt+Shift for rectangular selection - macOS: depending on what other editors use, I think it will be the same as on Windows
Note that the Windows/Linux rectangular selection is already hard-coded here:
Thats a possibility. But since goto definition is already in the right click menu its not much of a saving, and still needs @techee to retrain his muscle memory 😁 but maybe existing Ctrl_click users would find it useful.
I really won't use it this way - I'll much rather abandon this PR ;-) (but seriously, in such a case this is a much better option for me personally)