@b4n requested changes on this pull request.

Not tested yet, but looks almost good, see comments.

In src/editor.h:

> @@ -137,6 +137,7 @@ typedef struct GeanyEditorPrefs
 	gboolean	long_line_enabled;
 	gint		autocompletion_update_freq;
 	gint		scroll_lines_around_cursor;
+	gboolean	ime_interaction; /* input method editor's candidate window behaviour */

This should be an int and use on of the Scintilla constants, SC_IME_WINDOWED or SC_IME_INLINE, so it can be easily extended in the future, and have a semantic meaning.

In src/keyfile.c:

> @@ -255,6 +255,8 @@ static void init_pref_groups(void)
 		"extract_filetype_regex", GEANY_DEFAULT_FILETYPE_REGEX);
 	stash_group_add_boolean(group, &search_prefs.replace_and_find_by_default,
 		"replace_and_find_by_default", TRUE);
+	stash_group_add_boolean(group, &editor_prefs.ime_interaction,
+		"editor_ime_inline", TRUE);

Same here, should be

	stash_group_add_integer(group, &editor_prefs.ime_interaction,
		"editor_ime_interaction", SC_IME_WINDOWED);

And better keep the current behavior as default unless we have a compelling set of data that the current default is a problem for everyone.

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