Issues/Statement of Issues to be hopefully Solved:
1a) Linux Terminal commands sudo apt update and sudo apt full-upgrade never update Geany 1.33 to its current version of 1.38. Thus Geany 1.33 remains apparently the "latest available" version of Geany within a Windows PC running Oracle Virtual Box Debian Buster 10; and thus a 32-bits OS in Debian itself, NOT 64-bits, although the host Windows PC OS is 64 bits and some documentation indicates support for Geany 32-bits is either gone away or going away; hence Geany 1.38 appears 64-bit usage only.
1b) In "EZ" terms or .sh (Linux batch command file) usage, is there an easy or user-friendly way to update Geany to a more current version of Geany, like 1.38/1.37 ... or a last known 32-bit compliant/allowable Linux/Debian Geany version? The generalized/documented/wiki instructions: 1) download these libraries first, 2) make sure these Make/Compile/Build commands get executed/run and then 3) move X resultant Geany production files to correct folders - is not a simple, straightforward process; but it shouldn't be impossible either.
2) Triggering and PRIMARY Issue here (Save Actions Plugin): From time to time, the RPi/Debian/Windows 10 VBox PC, for all intents and purposes, reboots; as if losing power; for off-hours updates by Windows and or a virus protection program. Upon full boot-up and VBox boot into Debian, the "newly" rebooted RPi completely loses its previous configuration. Especially troubling is that the list of formerly opened list of Geany files (on average 25-35 files) is totally gone, entirely wiped out. Multiple python program files must all therefore be manually re-opened inside Geany 1.33. It's not so much a problem that files don't get saved, since user vigilance and Geany's "red highlighting" unsaved files helps - Save those files prior to off-hours, walk-away, nightly major OS updates. Under Geany's Plug-Ins, there is a Tools-Save Actions, but under Edit-PlugIn Preferences - only 2 options show up a) Save only current open file and b) Save all open files. I don't need either of those options, but rather a "Save Geany 'Currently Loaded Files' List." Again, not saving the actual files themselves to disk, but rather saving Geany's Currently Opened Files Configuration (file names, their exact sequential Geany tabs order and with the last user recently opened/used file "on top-actively visible"), so to speak. Is there a way to have Geany do this?
In short, I am a well above average in experience programmer(mostly Python, C#, a little C), but one who also lacks specific GTK knowledge and who lacks specific knowledge about attempting to Make/Compile/Build/Install-correctly Geany itself. So I'm offering to help at: A) attempting to make Geany 1.38 (or its Save Actions Plugin) work on Debian Buster 10 32-bits with an Auto-Save Opened Files Configuration OR B) allowing Geany 1.33 to Auto-Save its Opened Files Configuration to Disk, as part of the File Actions Geany Plug-In.
Any thoughts, helpful suggestions, or proposed/implemented solutions?
Thank You!