@elextr commented on this pull request.

In icons/meson.build:

> +act_icons = {'16x16': actions,
+             '24x24': actions,
+             '32x32': actions,
+             '48x48': actions}
+icons_dir = join_paths(get_option('datadir'), 'icons', 'hicolor')
+icons_appsdir = join_paths(icons_dir, 'apps')
+icons_actionsdir = join_paths(icons_dir, 'actions')
+foreach dir, icons_array : app_icons
+    foreach icon : icons_array
+        install_data(join_paths(dir, icon), install_dir: icons_appsdir)
+    endforeach
+foreach dir, icons_array : app_icons

@kugel- shouldn't this be act_icons?

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