Allowing the user overrides as an option is great, forcing it upon them with no way to turn it off is not. Every part of the program honors the system theme except for the editor window. There is no way to do that. Further, the editor window doesn't even honor the user's own preference within the program itself when they choose the font weight. The color scheme linked is a black and white colour scheme with forced normal weighted fonts. That's not off or disabled, it's just another theme that may or may not match a users already chosen theme.

Instead of the user having an option to enable that, it's being automatically overridden and then asking the user to learn where and how to edit a config file. Just imagine if for every program or app you used you had to learn where and how to edit its unique config file just so it matches preferences you've already chosen (both system wide and inside the program itself). And then when you changed a system wide setting you had to go back and reconfigure every program.

It makes things feel broken and confusing. The user is presented with the preference option of Bold/Italic/Thin/Light/Medium/SemiBold/etc fonts and in every regard the option works except for the editor window because the forced colour scheme is overriding their decision with no way to turn it off. And while every other part of the program respects the users chosen theme, the editor window will not.

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