I actually didn't realize that there was already the option to customize some colors using the GTK theme, which is why I did it using colorschemes.
I agree that using the GTK theme would be better, as it is more consistent with how geany works at the moment (-> as codebrainz pointed out: colorschemes for the editor, gtkrc for the other widgets). While it is true that no theme will provide the colors for those specific styles, this is also the case for all the other widgets that are at styled using geany.gtkrc (tab foregrounds, etc).
Additionally, the current implementation only changes the foreground color according to the colorscheme, whereas the background color is still defined by GTK, meaning that using a dark colorscheme and a light GTK theme or vice versa will again lead to unreadable messages.
I changed the fix to load the colors from the GTK theme, should I make a new pull request for it or update this one?