But does the filetype need a parser for tags to work?
Thanks! I was scared that I must write parser for CTags :)) I read about filetype configuration again, remembered that [AutoIt v3 is a freeware **BASIC-like** scripting language](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AutoIt) and tried ``` ... [settings] ... tag_parser=FreeBasic ... ``` Now autocompletion works, but some keywords not works (like ```#letters``` and macroses ```@letters``` ). I tried changing parametres ```whitespace_chars``` and ```wordchars``` - without effect. I found theme [Geany tag files](https://freebasic.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=19311) on freebasic.net: author excluded words such as ```#letters```. I think it's normal :) I want fix ```filetypes.autoit```, but I have doubt (little-little): is ```tag_parser=FreeBasic``` a good solution?
What about first question? Is likely no?