Indeed drop the translations, its just noise that hides the useful changes, as @eht16 says translations are updated at release.
OK, I can exclude that commit. Although someone will need to add the translation at some point.
And those strings shouldn't be translated anyway IMO, they are a pattern, not words.
Well, they're translated in several languages. And it makes sense IMO; for example, a Spanish speaker who is not well versed in other languages may not necessarily know that "y" means "year" in English, and would prefer to see it as "aaaa-mm-dd" ("a" for "año"). (OK maybe that was a bad example because it's clear that the 4-digit one is going to be the year, but there are less obvious examples such as Hungarian "nn.hh.éééé", or Bulgarian "дд.мм.гггг", or Korean "일.월.년".) But it's true that it feels weird to translate a code. It just happens to have a translation. (And, to be fair, the ACTUAL patterns are %Y-%m-%d and the like; "yyyy-mm-dd" is just pseudocode inspired in other programs such as Excel which use this formatting syntax.)
The discussion on #3556 was to **ADD** ISO format, not to replace an existing one, yyyy/mm/dd. Somebody added it at some point, so somebody wanted it at some point, removing it without discussion is unacceptable IMO.
Oops. Well, I did mention _"probably replacing yyyy/mm/dd"_ in my comment and nobody seemed to protest so I kinda assumed it was OK. Also it felt kind of redundant to have both yyyy/mm/dd and yyyy-mm-dd (plus, I'm not sure anyone uses that format anyway... maybe in South Africa?), so I assumed it was OK to just replace it with the hyphens one, rather than adding a fourth format that is almost identical to another format.
I'll continue the discussion in #3556 then.
For the upcoming release it's too late
I don't think this is too urgent so that's OK.
You make no idea how long it took me to figure out that this meant "looks good by inspection" :laughing: (Apparently you're the only ones using this acronym.)