This is one more attempt on unifying TMTags and externally provided symbols for the symbol tree before giving up and making the plugins create the symbol tree by themselves (which leads to quite a significant code duplication). This time (unlike the previous attempts) I'm quite happy with the result though. I called the new structure GeanySymbol - could be renamed to something else if someone has better idea.

The idea is to make GeanySymbol operate in two modes:

GeanySymbol *geany_symbol_new(gchar *name, gchar *detail, gchar *scope, gchar *file,
	TMParserType lang, glong kind, gulong line, gulong pos, guint icon)

The corresponding structure looks this way:

typedef struct GeanySymbol
	gchar *name;
	gchar *detail;
	gchar *scope;
	gchar *file;
	TMParserType lang;
	gulong line;
	gulong pos;
	glong kind;
	guint icon;

	TMTag *tag;

	gint refcount; /* the reference count of the symbol */
} GeanySymbol;

where either tag != NULL when using geany_symbol_new_from_tag(), or tag == NULL for geany_symbol_new().

The important part is that the members of GeanySymbol cannot be accessed directly from other files but only using getters that either use the tag or the member of GeanySymbol such as

const gchar *geany_symbol_get_name(const GeanySymbol *sym)
	if (sym->tag)
		return sym->tag->name;
	return sym->name;

By this interface, all callers like the symbol tree implementation are completely shielded from the details of where the symbol comes from. The bulk of the diffs inside symbols.c is pretty much just using this interface instead of using TMTag directly and renaming tag to symbol. get_symbol_name() and get_symbol_tooltip() were moved to GeanySymbol implementation, and also (previously inlined) geany_symbol_get_name_with_scope() was moved there too.

The additional PluginExtension interface for using these symbols would be more or less identical to what I proposed in #3850, i.e.

	gboolean (*doc_symbols_provided)(GeanyDocument *doc);
 	GPtrArray *(*doc_symbols_get)(GeanyDocument *doc);


@b4n How does something like this sound? The implementation here is incomplete (only tested with the TMTag "backend" of GeanySymbol) but I don't want to continue in case you have some reservations regarding this approach.

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