Should I PR the custom filetype to this repo if I get something useful or is the wiki actually preferred?

If all the expected features work in the custom filetype, it adds value over using the default filetype, and is reasonably popular, it might be worth putting in core. There's no firm policy for what to add, it's just on a case-by-case basis I guess.

...especially where you even cast doubts on the popularity yourself grin...'s for my GBA development, which is a pretty small field these days...

I don't know if the dialect used on the GBA is the same with all ARM processors, but if so, it's not very niche. Basically every mobile/tablet has one, and they are used in all kinds of other devices, manufactured by a large array of vendors.

Probably writing ARM assembly directly is niche, but the more common use case of viewing generated assembly is probably as strong a case as for any assembly dialect.

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