Just a hint, to see what style number the lexer assigns to characters you can add to the status bar template in various preferences (%Y IIRC but RTFineM for details).

And that's the problem; the manual merely gives hints, without revealing much e.g. https://www.geany.org/manual/current/#statusbar-templates . So going to Edit > Preferences > Various > interface.statusbar_template and changing text 'scope' to 'cope' and [Apply] ... does nothing (and I believe that I have followed the manual's instructions - I tried both [Apply] and [OK] buttons); it just ignores my change, which it sets back to what it was, even after restart. There is no indication or documentation (that I could find, that worked) on how to actually change either the statusbar_template, nor what might be an actual statusbar (is it different?).

I guess that we have differences on what the 'F' of RTFM stands for.

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