I said:
As I said I am not aware of anything that will prevent Geany 1.38 from building on a i386 platform ... if the required versions of libraries are available.
Your reply:
You have essentially told me to upgrade to Debian 64-bit and 32-bit OS's are not supported by Geany's Development team.
incorrectly interprets that as the opposite.
In fact the [Debian package page for Geany](https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=geany) I linked above shows Debian testing and unstable (ie the bleeding edge of Debian) both have have an i386 architecture package for Geany 1.38.
So at least on Debian it seems that Geany builds on a 32 bit architecture and 32 bit versions of the relevant libraries are available, but that is on versions of Debian newer than Buster.
Again I will repeat __Debian__ decides what level of support it gives different existing versions, not Geany. And Debian has decided that Buster is only getting security upgrades and bugfixes (until July 2024), not newer versions of software. Hence my suggestion to upgrade, I never said to 64 bit.
So it appears there is nothing actionable for Geany, hence this issue is closed.