Am 24.09.2015 um 23:42 schrieb Colomban Wendling:
> The separate API allows to do the registration in the plugin's
> init(), and have the file extensions deppend on plugin
> configuration. Also a API-wise separattion to
> geany_plugin_register() is needed to allow for nested proxies.
> I get that, my point was that I would find the API less odd if one
> filled a specific structure, rather than one already used for
> something else.
> e.g.
> Proxy proxy = {
> .extensions = {"so",NULL },
> .load = my_load,
> .probe = my_probe,
> .unload = my_unload
> };
> geany_plugin_register_proxy(plugin, &proxy);

Wait a minute, for the new_hooks you convinced me that *this* method
flawed (due to the points you mentioned) and now you're trying to sell
it to me? I'm confused.

The way I implemented aimed to be consistent with the just-merged
new_hooks and other stuff and doesn't have extensibility problems.

Best regards

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