Anyway, tested on native Windows and works.
I think the question is more "is it OK to drop it" :)
The answer was given implicitly by testing it :). I don't remember why those dialogs did exist and I'm not even sure there was a distinct reason for. Most of the Geany Windows stuff I wrote almost two decades ago, was mostly out of curiosity whether it works, what can be done and what cannot. Since I don't use Windows (and did not use it for longer than Geany exists), I have no preference what dialogs to show. Dropping the native message dialogs removes code and reduces the risk of future breakages, so I think this is good.
GTK dialogs have confirmation on the right, Windows on the left. Would this be a problem for Windows users?
Note that for other custom dialogs like search, replace, preferences, etc. Geany already uses the GTK order so this change would make things "consistently wrong" instead of "inconsistently correct".
My two cents: being "consistently wrong" is probably better in this case for the benefit of better looking dialogs (especially if a dark or other custom GTK theme is used).