Looks mostly sensible. But all this GFile creation, and this making Geany use GIO more and more makes me wonder: don't we rather want to have a GFile member attached to a document in addition to the path, and have this NULL when not using GIO?
Good idea. I'd just make one change - always create the GFile no matter whether GIO is enabled or not. The problem is GIO can be enabled/disabled in preferences at any time so we'd have to nullify/set the field based on the settings, plugins would have to always check it for NULL and it would introduce just complications. Better to have something like the utils_use_gio() and whoever wants to use the GFile should use the utils_use_gio() or know what he is doing.
That would re-use the same link all the way, and possibly might prevent some oddies when loading from an URI and writing to a path (when gvfs-fuse is available) -- I doubt it should be a problem, but still, could be suboptimal I guess.
I hope when using GIO consistently this shouldn't happen. Anyway, the problem with mtime we had was quite unique I believe and shouldn't happen when e.g. just testing file existence.
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