@eht16 pushed 19 commits.
- 719d588 Windows: xz is now bundled in Geany itself
- cedf214 Project Organizer: Use system trash for file/folder removal
- b2d4496 GeanyLua: Add geany.settype()
- 9a9a0aa Migrate from Travis CI to Github Actions
- 826c016 Windows: Update sqlite version in bundle cleanup
- f3bc58f SpellCheck: Check document+clear indicators when toggling via keybinding
- 0236d05 SpellCheck: Rename "Toggle spell check" setting
- 8c66d7c Capitalise only the first word of keybinding labels
- 7f87b00 Debugger: Fix typos in code comments
- bf574c8 Addons: Bookmarks: Prevent duplicating bookmarks when editing line
- d226100 GeanyVC: Support the use of external diff-tool in directory context
- 89b8226 GeanyVC:(Git) Fallback to `git rev-parse` for getting the repo/worktree's top directory
- 86177f0 scope: Use FALSE instead of NULL for gboolean
- d6726b8 geanygendoc: Remove all sanity checks testing if tag is tm_tag_file_t
- da4b155 git-changebar: Simplify libgit2 version checks
- 49c7061 git-changebar: Add support for libgit2 1.4
- f5c0e7e git-changebar: Avoid harmless warnings
- dac1ecc Remove obsolete status badge
- 5fc176b CI: Add Windows build
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