@b4n, can you improve the parser thats part of flex.c rather than starting a new one from scratch?

That was of course the plan.

But I'm kind of depressed now looking at it. It's a variation of JavaScript (apparently it's ECMA-262 as well, not sure what that exactly means as it's not exactly the same language as JavaScript), and the upstream Flex parser is a copy of an older version of jscript, full of the tedious bugs that I fixed in the JS parser. This is a nightmare I didn't expect.

The best solution would probably be make a ECMA-262 generic module, and have the jscript and actionscript parser use that. Also, flex is actually a parser for MXML and ActionScript (MXML is an XML dialect that can contain ActionScript data), which predates the introduction of sub-parser concept. Nowadays this would be better handled with 2 separate parsers, and have the MXLM one call on the ActionScript one on the appropriate ranges. Meh, anyway, that ain't gonna happen for 1.35.

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