- Geany 1.36 - en_US.UTF-8 - GTK 3.24.23 - GLib 2.64.6
Copying and pasting these four characters crashes Geany 1.36 consistently: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7557867/99807263-40ffb080-2b0d-11e...)
- Opening the file doesn't crash Geany, but _pasting_ it does.
Steps to reproduce issue 1. Copy from Original source: Mailing address at bottom of https://videocityinc.com/edit/ - optional: Paste into a new text file in `nano` to reproduce issue later (copy from there instead of step 1) - copy the whole thing from nano or copy just the 4 characters (using GHex) 2. Paste it into any open text file in Geany.